Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My "index"

I have had so many things happen in my life, that I really have no idea where to start. So I figured I would put up an index and start at the beginning. Of course my current events will take presidence , but I will blog about past events as time allows so you can get to know the true me.

Age: 0 to 10 - molested by my father with my mothers knowledge.

Age: 0 to 12 - Was physically abused, neglected, starved, locked outside, and not allowed to have friends.

Age: 7 (2nd grade) - taken out of school to be home schooled, but then my family decided education was not important and only homeschooled my sister.

Age: 8 to 9 - molested by a family friend that was living in a half way housefor sex offenders until my parents moved him in with us.

Age: 14 - my parents decided it was time for me to get married (no - I was not pregnant) to a guy that slept with my aunt, sister, and mother. He was 18.

Age: 15 - got divorced because he slept with a 12 year old.

Age: 15 - stopped talking to my sister because my parents kicked her out and then told me she wanted nothing to do with me. They told her the same thing about me. That lasted for over 10 years.

Age: 17 - Got my first "real" proposal. My parents forbid me to ever see him again, and told him I did not have the guts to tell him how I really felt.

Age: 18 to year 2009 - Finally found my husband that would "rescue me" from my family. Yeah right. I lived through getting hit, punched, kicked, belted, and even burned until I left him last year. (Thankyou Drew for helping me) I also lived with sex about twice a year since he was a cross-dressing homosexual. (*NOTE* I do NOT have a problem with gay people. I have a problem with that one gay person, and I have a huge problem with the fact that he wasted the best years of my life pretending to be something he was not, and dragging me through it all with him. I could have found someone that wanted to be married to me.)

Age: 20 - Moved 400 miles away from my family because he thought it was best for work. It was supposed to last 6 months. That was 12 years ago.

Age: 27 - My first son ended up in a correctional facility. He was 12

Age: 28 to current - continued to live with my husband, getting beaten up worse as each year passed. He also started having affairs, with guys of course. I tried to find things that would occupy my time such as volunteering at the kids' schools.
I needed something to give me a reason to get away some times. That is where John comes into play. He changed my life and saved me, and does not even know it. Finally, I decided if my husband could have affairs, so could I.
I met a few people online, including Drew. I ended up having a threesome with the first guy I met (not Drew) and another girl, although I already knew Drew and I lied to him about it, along with a lot of other things too. (the John situation will help all of this make sense. Not the threesome, but the lies)
Last year, I moved me and my kids in with Drew as I left my husband for good. I got a restraining order, and filed for divorce. He contested the restraining order, and when I showed up to the hearing, my parents were there to testify against me, and they did just that. The judge did not buy it, and the restraining order was upheld. That was it for the relationship between me and my parents. The only time I have talked to them since was 5 days later when they called to tell me that my aunt committed suicide. Also, my sister sided with my husband, so I don't talk to her either. And all of this is at the same time as falling in love with Drew, giving him my heart, and moving out of his place into my own, at his insistance. He made it sound like it was best so he could "get his life back" but he is here almost every night, so he apparently likes his "new life". Ok - not so much. He does not hide his feelings about being here 99% out of obligation. Great relationship, right? In my first post, you will see that I had a "?" about us having a relationship. Now you know why. Ok, I will start writing chapter by chapter soon.

Enjoy reading.


  1. Wow. what an emotionally charged post. How strong you are. I'm glad you found our blog and I look forward to reading the rest of yours.

  2. Frances: Thankyou for your kind words. I certainly do not feel strong, but I take it one step at a time, starting over with a fresh outlook.
