Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The one year anniversary

Drew and I met one year ago on Saturday. It was a special day to me, and I made that pretty clear to him. (In over 10 years of marriage, I never got to celebrate our anniversary, and he usually forgot, along with my birthday - but that's a different chapter) We talked a week ago about what we would do to celebrate, and he said we would go back to the place where we first met. How sweet and romantic. Well, he stayed home Friday night, so we did not get to wake up next to each other Saturday morning. Then he sends me this "I am going to be really busy the next few weeks, so don't expect much out of me" email first thing Saturday morning, without so much as a good morning included. WTF?? Ok, he finally said he would be over around 1:00. So I made sure the house was clean, I had a babysitter lined up, got all showered, and went and bought him a gift. He finally shows up about an hour late in sweats and a t-shirt. No hug or kiss, and certainly no flowers or gifts. I did not say anything him, thinking he was going to surprise me later. We took the kids out bike riding for a while, and still nothing. Finally he made a few comments to the kids about getting movies for him and I to watch, and that maybe we would go out, so if they go to bed early it would be fine with him. Whew... finally my brain was relaxing. He remembered!! He asked what I had planned for dinner, and I told him I did not plan anything because I did not know what plans he had. He said he had no plans and then he started drinking. Uh oh. If he was drinking, he clearly was not planning on driving. Ok, maybe he wanted to have a nice romantic dinner and just cuddle on the couch. I went to the store and bought ingredients for lemon drops. By now, I was really irritated and frustrated. Not only was he not planning on going out, he had not even acknowledged the day yet. When I got back home, I drank some wine with him, a couple lemon drops, and then more wine. We ate dinner, and when the kids went to bed, he went to the couch, layed down, and started watching tv. I could not hold it in any longer. I was angry. I finally said, " There is no good answer here. You have 2 choices. Either you are an asshole that just does not feel that it is important enough to acknowledge, or you are an asshole that just completely forgot - your choice". His reply "about what"? My reply: "THE DAY" (screaming loudly). He simply said "sorry, I forgot". Sorry babe, not good enough. I am still so angry at him. He acknowledges that he fucked up and should have made it more special for me, but somehow that is just not good enough. He asked if I wanted him to try to make it up to me. Umm... no thanks. First of all, it was THAT ONE DAY that was special, and second... do not ASK a girl if she wants you to do that. Do it on your own you fucking moron! I had bought him a book that he wanted, and enclosed a hand written note inside. When he finally unwrapped his gift, I took the note out before he could see it and crumpled it up. That upset him. He said it was pretty fucked and wanted to read it. Maybe it was fucked, but not a chance in hell.
I am so angry at him. He knows I hate holidays, and birthdays, and I have a really hard time celebrating them. So for me to have made a point of telling him that this was special and something I wanted to celebrate, should have made it important to him too, right? Atleast a priority, maybe. Am I just unrealistic? I have never received a birthday or christmas gift until this past year (from my parents, now that we don't talk - yeah another chapter). My family always excluded me, and just bought everyone else gifts. I could never figure out why. Even as a child, my sister would get gifts, but not me. So I had higher expectations of Drew. He keeps telling me that I need a new start to holidays, where they are made special, so I thought just maybe, he would do just that. Apparently not.
I am open to suggestions. I need advice. Am I rightfully angry? Should I just forgive, forget, and move on? Ok, I will stop venting, for now.

Thanks for reading


  1. He should have remembered. He should have made it special. I've gone through this same thing. I'm so sorry for you...

  2. Frances: I am sorry you have been through this too. It made me feel so lonely. Like I am the only one that cared about "us". I wish he remembered. I wish he cared.

  3. You aren't wrong for being upset.. esp since you had talked about it before and he made plans for you both. I am sorry too that you are having such a tough time. I hope that things get better, you certainly have earned and deserve some happiness. ~Jen

  4. Jen - thankyou for your kind words. I hope things get better too. I am just taking it day by day. When that seems overwhelming, I take it minute by minute. Someday happiness will find its way to me... I hope :-/

  5. Whoa. Dude. You have every right to be upset, especially since you two discussed it prior. I hope he takes the initiative and makes it up to you, without your input. May the Force be with you, Alisan! =)
